4.5 Stars!
Oh the trouble that follows Seph, the heroine of the Persephone Alcmedi series, around. Just when you think it can’t get worse, Robertson finds a way. Wicked Circle, book five, brings more challenges and emotional strain for Seph. Can she rely on Johnny and Menessos?
The Domn Lup is here, and he is bigger and badder than you had imagined. Along with the title comes lots of responsibilities, some he knew were coming...and some blindside him. All of which which leave very little time for Johnny to see Seph, and she sure could use him around.
Despite Johnny not being there for her Seph fulfilles her promise to the weres and does the ceremony, the one that will leave them in charge of their wolf when in wolf form. Only something happens to Johnny in the process, when he crosses a line Seph is left wondering if it can be fixed.
Menessos has people coming for him as well, three powerful sisters he locked away in stone ages ago. This can’t be good...
Seph is stretching herself thin trying to be there for all of her friends and loved ones. When the magnifying glass trained on Menessos encompasses Seph as well some powerful vamps take notice. To top it all off Menessos sends ‘Creepy’ her way, he says he is there to protect her. But you have to wonder who this eccentric character is, and what he is really after.
The best of the series yet! What else is there to say? Oh yeah, if you love UF you need to pick up this series!
*copy cortesy of publisher
Separate review posted at Reading Between the Wines: