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Love.com - R.W. Bennett A suspenseful read that will have you suspecting everyone till the end.

Written in short chapters that jump from characters to characters Bennett does a wonderful job of keeping the story moving at a fast pace. You are introduced to main characters and minor ones alike as everyone’s lives impact each other and intertwine. You follow the main female character as she navigates a new job that begins to smell fishy and a slightly stalkerish love interest. From there you get some felonies, moral lines being crossed, business success in the millions, and even murder. But in the end it all boils down to love and what people are willing to do for those they love.

Bennett has a fun writing style that is enjoyable to read as it makes you keep track of what is going on with all of the different characters story lines. You get snippets of the mystery interspersed with different couples meeting on Love.com. The writing style, mystery and, of course, the love stories all come together to make Love.com an enjoyable read.